
Product: Domino, Serial Plix


Transmitting and Receiving Data over AC Power Lines.


Date: 6/15/99

Introduction: Transmitting data over power lines using Serial Plix can be very simple. The following application note demonstrates how to accomplish this by using any two micro-controllers with the two Serial Plix chips.


Background: The Serial Plix is an 18-pin CMOS chip, which provides an intelligent communication interface between a serial port and X-10 AC power-line control modules. Using the Serial Plix and a TW523 to transmit and receive data, it is very easy to have a micro-controller perform a specific task remotely.


How it works: This application note demonstrates a generic micro-controller transmitting a series of commands to the Serial Plix and having it transmit M14 followed by M15, when a door opens. The code sequence of M14 and M15 is user defined. The Domino is used to tell the Serial Plix when to look for data on the power lines and if the Domino receives M14 followed by M15 from the Serial Plix, the Domino then sets an output bit high to sound a piezo buzzer. The following flow chart and schematic show the necessary steps and connections required for any micro-controller to monitor the door.

The following schematic is the connections needed for the Domino 2 to operate as the receiver.

Program Listing:

10 REM*** This program demonstrates receiving data

20 REM*** over the power lines.

30 MTOP=12288

40 REM *** Allocate memory for one 4-byte string.

50 STRING 6,4

60 REM *** Set PB4 as an output.

70 PUSH 2033H,EFH

80 CALL 0F128H

90 POP C

100 REM *** Coprocessor error checking

110 IF C<=255 THEN GOTO 160

120 REM *** Setting P1.7 and P1.6 high masking the rest of the port.

130 PORT1=PORT1 .OR. 0C0H

140 GOTO 70

150 REM *** Set PB4 low

160 PUSH 205CH,0

170 CALL 0F128H

180 POP C

190 REM *** Coprocessor error checking.

200 IF C<=255 THEN GOTO 240

210 PORT1=PORT1 .OR. 0C0H

220 GOTO 160

230 REM *** Transmit to the Serial Plix.

240 ?"$DINA9950",

250 REM *** Receive from the Serial Plix.

260 INPUT $(0)

270 REM *** Taking the House and Unit code from the Serial Plix

280 REM *** and storing them into variables A, B, and C.

290 REM *** To figure out where the variables are in memory

300 REM *** you subtract the total bytes expressed in the

310 REM *** string from MTOP. In this situation it is

320 REM *** 12288-6=12282. Since we don't need to store the

330 REM *** lead in character(!) we start at 12283.

340 A=XBY(12283)

350 B=XBY(12284)

360 C=XBY(12285)

370 IF (A<>77.OR.B<>49.OR.C<>52) THEN GOTO 240

380 REM *** Transmit to the Serial Plix.

390 ?"$DINA9950",

400 REM *** Receive from the Serial Plix.

410 INPUT $(0)

420 A=XBY(12283)

430 B=XBY(12284)

440 C=XBY(12285)

450 IF (A<>77.OR.B<>49.OR.C<>53) THEN GOTO 390

460 REM *** Set PB4 high.

470 PUSH 205CH,1

480 CALL 0F128H

490 POP C

500 REM *** Coprocessor error checking

510 IF C<=255 THEN GOTO 550

520 PORT1=PORT1 .OR. 0C0H

530 GOTO 470

540 REM *** Delay the program for 1 second.

550 TIME=0 : CLOCK1


570 CLOCK0

580 GOTO 160