
Product: Domino 1 & 2


Using the Store Hex program to store Assembly routines in the Domino


Date: 4/13/01

Introduction: This application note gives step by step instructions on how to use the Store Hex program with the Domino 1 and 2.


Background: Writing your code in BASIC is a fast way to develop your product, but sometimes there is a need to write routines in assembly language for speed, or because BASIC doesn’t allow you to access certain functions. The Store Hex program available on your Domino Utilities disk is a simple way to store an assembly routine and a BASIC program into EEPROM.


How it works: The following steps will walk you through using the Store Hex program for the program listed in the Program Listing Section of this application note using HOST52:

  1. Open the Store HEX program.
  2. Send the Store HEX program to the Domino.
  3. Run the Store Hex program.
  4. Press 1 and then Enter to put your file into the EEPROM area 9000H to 0DFFFH.
  5. Click "File" from the menu.
  6. Click "Send HEX".
  7. Choose the HEX file you wish to send. NOTE: To make it easier to find your HEX file please place it in the HOST52 directory.
  8. When the program prints out "Yourfile.HEX was successfully read. Your EEROM routine has been offset into SRAM. The routine loaded from xxxxH to xxxxH.", we must set MTOP below where the program stored the Routine. In this example the routine loaded from 51EFH to 51F4H. So set MTOP to 5000H by typing in MTOP = 5000H. Then press ENTER.
  9. Type New. Then Press Enter. This will clear RAM from 0000H to 5000H
  10. Open the BASIC program you want to use.
  11. Send your BASIC Program to the Domino.
  12. Save your Program and assembly routine to EEPROM by making a call to Domino Utilities. For example: Type Call 0FF20H and press enter to save the Program and Assembly routine as Auto starting.


The following steps will walk you through using the Store Hex program for the program listed in the Program Listing Section of this application note using HyperTerminal:

  1. Send the Store HEX program to the Domino.
  2. Run the Store Hex program.
  3. Press 1 and then Enter to put your file into the EEPROM area 9000H to 0DFFFH.
  4. Click "Transfer" from the menu.
  5. Click "Send Text File".
  6. Find the HEX file you wish to send.
  7. When the program prints out "Yourfile.HEX was successfully read. Your EEROM routine has been offset into SRAM. The routine loaded from xxxxH to xxxxH.", we must set MTOP below where the program stored the Routine. In this example the routine loaded from 51EFH to 51F4H. So set MTOP to 5000H by typing in MTOP = 5000H. Then press ENTER.
  8. Type New. Then Press Enter. This will clear RAM from 0000H to 5000H
  9. Send your BASIC Program to the Domino.
  10. Save your Program and assembly routine to EEPROM by making a call to Domino Utilities. For example: Type Call 0FF20H and press enter to save the Program and Assembly routine as Auto starting.

The store Hex routine can also be used to store an assembly routine into SRAM for debugging purposes. The ORG statement in the assembly language program will need to be changed to be from MTOP to 5FFFH. All of the steps are the same as storing the assembly routine into EEPROM with the exception of choosing 0 instead of 1 in step 4 for using HOST52 and step 3 for using HyperTerminal.


Program Listing:

Sample Assembly Routine:

ORG 0D000H

CL_R: CLR P3.3 ; Clear *INT1

RET ; Return Back to BASIC

ORG 0D003H

SE_T: SETB P3.3 ; Set *INT1



Generated Hex file:



BASIC52 Program:

10 PRINT "This program demonstrates using an assembly routine that has"

20 PRINT "been stored into EEPROM by using the Store Hex program."

30 PRINT "The program toggles INT1 about every second."

40 PRINT "*INT1 Clear"

50 Call 0D000H : REM Call the assembly routine to clear *INT1

60 CLOCK0 : REM Stop the Real Time Clock

70 TIME=0 : REM Set the Real Time Clock to zero

80 CLOCK1 : REM Start the Real Time Clock

90 IF TIME<=1 THEN GOTO 90 :REM Do not move on in the program unless a second has gone by

100 PRINT "*INT1 Set"

110 Call 0D003H : REM Call the assembly language to set *INT1

120 CLOCK0

130 TIME=0

140 CLOCK1

150 IF TIME<=1 THEN GOTO 150

160 GOTO 40

Store Hex Program:


20 string 27,12 :$(0)="1.3":$(1)="YOURFILE.HEX"

30 A=7000H:cs=34837


50 IF (D=0A5H.AND.K=0A5H) THEN GOTO 100

60 XBY(A)=D

70 C=C+D:K=D

80 A=A+1

90 GOTO 40


110 DBY(01EH)=0FFH:DBY(01FH)=0FFH

120 PRINT "Assembly loader for DOMINO, Version ",$(0)

130 PRINT "Enter the address area for which you've assembled/compiled..."

140 PRINT "0 - RAM area MTOP to 5FFFH"

150 PRINT "1 - EEROM area 9000H to 0DFFFH"

160 G=GET

170 G=GET : IF G=0 THEN GOTO 170

180 IF G=30H THEN DBY(20H)=0 : DBY(21H)=0 : GOTO 220

190 IF G=31H THEN DBY(20H)=7EH : DBY(21H)=11H : GOTO 220

200 GOTO 170

210 print

220 PRINT "Ready to Download your HEX file."

225 PRINT "Please use your File/Send HEX option in HOST-52"

226 PRINT "or your Terminal Program to store your hex file."

230 CALL 7000H


241 IF dby(19h)<>0 then print"Error in HEX transfer":end

250 PRINT $(1), " was sucessfully read"

260 if g=31h then print"Your EEROM routine has been offset into SRAM"

270 UA=DBY(1BH)*256+DBY(1CH)-1:LA=DBY(1EH)*256+DBY(1FH)

280 ph0."The routine loaded from",la," to",ua

281 if (>>8000H) then print "protected area, NO SRAM"

290 print




330 END


350 DATA 0C0H, 0D0H, 0C0H, 0A8H, 0C0H, 0E0H, 0C0H, 0F0H, 0C0H, 083H

360 DATA 0C0H, 082H, 053H, 0A8H, 0F0H, 053H, 0D0H, 0E7H, 075H, 01EH, 000H

370 DATA 075H, 01FH, 000H, 012H, 070H, 0E2H, 075H, 018H, 000H

380 DATA 0B4H, 03AH, 059H, 012H, 070H, 0EAH, 012H, 070H, 0BAH

390 DATA 0BDH, 000H, 054H, 0F5H, 01AH, 0B4H, 000H, 009H, 012H, 070H, 0BAH

400 DATA 012H, 070H, 0BAH, 002H, 070H, 05EH, 012H, 070H, 0BAH

410 DATA 0BDH, 000H, 040H, 0F5H, 01BH, 012H, 070H, 0BAH, 0BDH, 000H, 038H

415 DATA 0C3H, 095H, 021H, 0F5H, 01CH, 0E5H, 01BH, 095H, 020H, 0F5H, 01BH

420 DATA 0E5H, 01EH, 0B4H, 000H, 008H, 0E5H, 01BH

430 DATA 0F5H, 01EH, 0E5H, 01CH, 0F5H, 01FH

440 DATA 012H, 070H, 0BAH, 0BDH, 000H, 01AH, 0F5H, 01DH

460 DATA 075H, 0F0H, 000H, 012H, 070H, 0BAH, 0BDH, 000H, 00FH

470 DATA 0C0H, 0E0H, 0E5H, 01AH, 0B5H, 0F0H, 00CH, 0D0H, 0E0H, 080H, 01CH

480 DATA 0F5H, 019H, 080H, 02FH, 08DH, 019H, 080H, 02BH, 085H, 01BH, 083H

490 DATA 085H, 01CH, 082H, 0D0H, 0E0H, 0F0H

500 DATA 0A3H, 085H, 083H, 01BH, 085H, 082H, 01CH, 005H, 0F0H, 080H, 0D3H

510 DATA 012H, 070H, 0E2H, 0B4H, 00DH, 0DEH, 012H, 070H, 0EAH, 0E5H, 018H

520 DATA 070H, 0D7H, 0E5H, 01DH, 070H, 003H, 002H, 070H, 018H

530 DATA 075H, 019H, 000H, 0D0H, 082H, 0D0H, 083H, 0D0H, 0F0H, 0D0H, 0E0H

540 DATA 0D0H, 0A8H, 0D0H, 0D0H, 022H

550 DATA 012H, 070H, 0E2H, 012H, 070H, 0F2H, 0BDH, 000H, 01EH, 0C0H, 003H

560 DATA 0D0H, 001H, 012H, 070H, 0EAH, 012H, 070H, 0E2H, 012H, 070H, 0F2H

570 DATA 0BDH, 000H, 00EH, 012H, 070H, 0EAH, 0E9H, 0C4H, 0F9H, 0EBH, 049H

580 DATA 0FBH, 025H, 018H, 0F5H, 018H, 0EBH, 022H

590 DATA 030H, 098H, 0FDH, 0C2H, 098H, 0E5H, 099H, 022H

600 DATA 030H, 099H, 0FDH, 0C2H, 099H, 0F5H, 099H, 022H

610 DATA 0FBH, 0FDH, 0C3H, 094H, 030H, 040H, 01FH, 0C3H, 094H, 017H

620 DATA 050H, 01AH, 0EDH, 0C3H, 094H, 03AH, 040H, 006H, 0EDH, 0C3H

630 DATA 094H, 037H, 080H, 004H, 0EDH, 0C3H, 094H, 030H, 0C0H, 003H

640 DATA 0C0H, 0E0H, 0D0H, 003H, 0D0H, 0E0H, 07DH, 000H, 022H

650 DATA 0A5H, 0A5H