Program Listing:
10 REM *** Master
20 REM *** The master receives input from Slave 1
30 REM *** Relay 1(PA0) is controlled by Slave 1.
40 REM *** Relay 2(PA1) is controlled by Slave 2.
50 REM *** LED1(PB0) is lit when there is power to the Master.
60 REM *** LED2(PB1) is lit whenever the transmitter is enabled.
70 REM *** Subroutine Menu
90 REM *** 11000 Coprocessor Write Routine
100 REM *** Transmit Disable Assembly Instructions
110 XBY(32000)=0C2H
120 XBY(32001)=0B4H
130 XBY(32002)=022H
140 REM *** Transmit Enable Assembly Instructions
150 XBY(32003)=0D2H
160 XBY(32004)=0B4H
170 XBY(32005)=022H
180 REM *** Setting up the Coprocessor.
190 REM *** Setting Port A as outputs.
200 R=30H : DT=0H
210 GOSUB 11000
220 REM *** Setting Port B as outputs.
230 R=33H : DT=0H
240 GOSUB 11000
250 REM *** Setting PB0 high. Indicates the Master has power.
260 R=35H : DT=1H
270 GOSUB 11000
280 REM *** Enable the transmitter
290 CALL 32003
300 REM *** Set PB1 high. Indicates that the transmitter is on.
310 R=35H : DT=3H
320 GOSUB 11000
330 REM Start of a delay to wait for the slave to get set up.
340 FOR Z=0 TO 100 : NEXT Z
350 ?"1",CR
360 REM *** Disable the transmitter.
370 CALL 32000
380 REM *** Set PB1 low. This indicates the transmitter is disabled.
390 R=35H : DT=1H
400 GOSUB 11000
420 REM *** Push button 2 has been pressed.
430 IF (A=1.AND.B=2) THEN GOTO 500
440 REM *** Push button 1 has been pressed
450 IF (A=1.AND.B=1) THEN GOTO 550
460 REM *** No push buttons were pushed or both were pushed.
470 IF (A=1.AND.B=0) THEN GOTO 610
480 REM *** Coprocessor routines for when a push button is pressed.
490 REM *** Set PA0 high. Relay 1 turns on.
500 R=50H : DT=1H
510 GOSUB 11000
520 REM *** Poll Slave 1 again.
530 GOTO 290
540 REM *** Set PA0 low. Relay 1 turns off
550 R=50H : DT=0H
560 GOSUB 11000
570 REM *** Poll Slave 1 again.
580 GOTO 290
590 REM *** PA0 stays in the same state. No push buttons were
600 REM *** pressed or both were pressed.
610 GOTO 290
10997 REM ***************************************************
10998 REM Coprocessor Write Routine
10999 REM
11000 PUSH 2000H+R,DT
11010 CALL 0F128H
11020 POP DT
11030 IF DT>255 THEN PRINT "Communications error !!!"
11040 RETURN
11050 REM
11060 REM ***************************************************
10 REM *** Slave 1
20 REM *** The slave reads it's inputs on Port A and sends
30 REM *** it's data to the Master. When push button 1 (PA0 pin 19)
40 REM *** is pressed, relay 1 of the Master disengages.
50 REM *** When push button 2 (PA1 pin 18)is pressed, relay 1
60 REM *** of the Master engages.
70 REM *** LED3 is on when Slave 1 has power.
80 REM *** LED4 is on whenever Slave 1's transmitter is disabled.
90 REM *** Subroutine Menu
110 REM *** 10030 Coprocessor Read Routine
120 REM *** 11000 Coprocessor Write Routine
130 REM *** Transmit Disable Assembly Instructions
140 XBY(32000)=0C2H
150 XBY(32001)=0B4H
160 XBY(32002)=022H
170 REM *** Transmit Enable Assembly Instructions
180 XBY(32003)=0D2H
190 XBY(32004)=0B4H
200 XBY(32005)=022H
210 REM *** Setting up the Coprocessor
220 REM *** Setting Port A as inputs.
230 R=30H : DT=1H
240 GOSUB 11000
250 REM *** Setting Port B as outputs.
260 R=33H : DT=0H
270 GOSUB 11000
280 REM *** Setting PB0 high. Indicates the Slave has power.
290 R=35H : DT=1H
300 GOSUB 11000
310 REM *** Disabling Transmit
320 CALL 32000
330 REM *** Setting PB1 low. Indicates transmit disabled.
340 R=35H : DT=1H
350 GOSUB 11000
360 REM *** Read Port A's inputs and store them in a variable
370 N=0 : M=0
380 REM *** Reading PA0 (pin 19) and storing the value in N.
390 R=40H
400 GOSUB 10030
410 N=DT
420 REM *** Reading PA1 (pin 20) and storing the value in M
430 R=41H
440 GOSUB 10030
450 M=DT
460 REM *** Waiting for input from Master
480 IF A<>1 THEN GOTO 470
490 REM *** Enabling Transmit
500 CALL 32003
510 REM *** Setting PB1 (pin 23) high. Indicates transmit enabled
520 R=35H: DT=3H
530 GOSUB 11000
540 REM *** Push button 2 has been pressed and 1 hasn't.
550 IF (M=1.AND.N=0) THEN PRINT "1,2", CR ELSE GOTO 590
560 REM *** Read the inputs again.
570 GOTO 320
580 REM *** Push button 1 has been pressed and 2 hasn't.
590 IF (M=0.AND.N=1) THEN PRINT "1,1", CR ELSE GOTO 630
600 REM *** Read the inputs again.
610 GOTO 320
620 REM *** No push buttons were pushed.
630 IF (M=0.AND.N=0) THEN PRINT "1,0", CR ELSE GOTO 690
640 REM *** Read the inputs again.
650 GOTO 320
660 REM *** Push button 1 and 2 were pressed.
670 REM *** If both push buttons are pressed then it acts like
680 REM *** no push buttons were pressed.
690 IF (M=1.AND.N=1) THEN PRINT "1,0", CR
700 REM *** Read the inputs again}
710 GOTO 320
10000 REM ***********************************************************
10010 REM Coprocessor Read Routine
10020 REM
10030 PUSH 2000H + R
10040 CALL 0F12Ch
10050 POP DT
10060 IF DT>255 THEN ?"Communications error!!!"
10070 RETURN
10080 REM
10997 REM ***************************************************
10998 REM Coprocessor Write Routine
10999 REM
11000 PUSH 2000H+R,DT
11010 CALL 0F128H
11020 POP DT
11030 IF DT>255 THEN PRINT "Communications error !!!"
11040 RETURN
11050 REM
11060 REM ***************************************************